When I started, I used the camera instructions and connected with the cameras app on my phone - the process was primarily scanning QR codes and bingo - the camera shows on the app. In the 'about camera' seciton, it gave me the IP address that the camera is using in the app. So I went into BI and configured the network IP to that same address. I confirmed the camera is using that address with the Advanced IP Scanner and Advanced Port Scanner programs. No Joy.. I get NO Signal prompts, and Error 8000007a(Check Port/User/Password)0 codes.... I was using admin admin as user name and password, same as the other 5 cameras. I have tried dropping those and re - configuring, dropping just the password, keeping the user name, No good, same thing. I have tried to configure as Generic/ONVIF, no good - I have tried to configure using HISEEU as Make before and during the Generic/ONVIF process, no camera picture. I have tried checking the 'Skip intial MAC, HTTP,DNS readability tests, I have tried it unchecked. NO JOY... I know the cam works, I can see it on the app.. I don't know if the QR code put in some password of its' own to connect to the app. Not thinking so..
HISEEU camera is Model: CA-Q-M2, not listed under HISEEU config in BI.. but don't think that is the problem since no video using the Generic/ONVIF config.
Since this has happened on two cams that are confirmed to be working on their phone apps, I KNOW I am missing something, I KNOW I am not the first and I KNOW someone out there is going to have a simple straight forward solution for me. Thanks in advance for putting me on the right track ...HughS.