Hello everyone,
I just updated to and now, when I click to view the alerts folder, BI freeze and I have to forcefull crash. I can go into any other folder no problem, but not this one.
Crash on when switching to alerts folder
Re: Crash on when switching to alerts folder
Did you reboot ? Are you able to revert to the previous version ? I'm on v5.9.2.4 but will try v5.9.3.0
All OK here. You do mean selecting "Alerts" on the BI5 window rather than the actual file folder don't you ? I tried that as well, and no problems here.

All OK here. You do mean selecting "Alerts" on the BI5 window rather than the actual file folder don't you ? I tried that as well, and no problems here.
Forum Moderator.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: Crash on when switching to alerts folder
OK, v5.9.3.0 was quickly replaced by v5.9.3.1 due to problems, so please update again.
Forum Moderator.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: Crash on when switching to alerts folder
Sorry for the long time for reply. It no longer crash but I got an error and if I try to view an alert in the web interface, I get error saying I lost connection to the server. I've check at the path and the file exist and is playable in vlc no problem.
BTW, the message says to install klite codec pack. This is a very bad idea. Klite codec pack is notorious to include lot's of conflicting codec and malware. Go with shark 007 codec pack instead. All open source and no crap, work way better, smaller footprint.
I'm on
Edit: I just updated to and samething. I found out that it's all alert after 2025-06-12 10h52. Any alert before that work, any after that throw this error. I have an alert like 5 minutes after that and it's not working. I've also checked in media info both a working and non working file and they both use same AVC codec so I don't get the problem.
BTW, the message says to install klite codec pack. This is a very bad idea. Klite codec pack is notorious to include lot's of conflicting codec and malware. Go with shark 007 codec pack instead. All open source and no crap, work way better, smaller footprint.
I'm on
Edit: I just updated to and samething. I found out that it's all alert after 2025-06-12 10h52. Any alert before that work, any after that throw this error. I have an alert like 5 minutes after that and it's not working. I've also checked in media info both a working and non working file and they both use same AVC codec so I don't get the problem.
- Attachments
- 2024-07-11 23_46_03-blueiris-2022 - Connexion Bureau à distance.png (45.26 KiB) Viewed 1237 times
Re: Crash on when switching to alerts folder
So I've done some testing. If I switch to BVR instead of MP4, it work. When I switch back to MP4, it stop working.
I had over 100 000 alerts file, this was making a lot of lag on the GUI which I think was the source of the crash, but it doesn't explain why the file are said to be not compatible with blueiris viewer.
I had over 100 000 alerts file, this was making a lot of lag on the GUI which I think was the source of the crash, but it doesn't explain why the file are said to be not compatible with blueiris viewer.
Re: Crash on when switching to alerts folder
typo on my end, it was 2024 I wanted to say. But I've done some testing and as soon as I put MP4 in H264 instead of BVR, it stop working in blueiris viewer.