Repurpose old Hardware AMD

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Re: Repurpose old Hardware AMD

Post by Matts1984 »

Old questions but no, Windows 10 pro/home doesn't make much of a difference unless you want to join to a domain. Pro also gives you some other business capabilities you're unlikely to use and BitLocker - which I like - but you probably don't need on a home desktop/server.

The only other thing I see as a difference maker would be Remote Desktop... it appears to not be available in Home unless you follow some lengthy workarounds (of course there all alternatives all together but... still a workaround).

Finally all this being said, if you're able to find a good deal on Win 10 Pro - I'd still go with it :o
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Re: Repurpose old Hardware AMD

Post by Thixotropic »

There are lots of listings on eBay for Win 10 Pro keys and 'recovery disks'. These often come from pallets of older office PCs that are being replaced or scrapped.

I got my copy of Win 10 Pro with the CD for $29 and it activated without any issues (and it was the actual disk, not a copy).
win10pro.png (38.49 KiB) Viewed 4257 times
You can get just the Win 10 key for a few dollars: ... win+10+pro

Just run Debloater or a similar program after install, or you could use the installation designer to deselect all the extra Windows garbage that you don't want installed.
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