Timeline Colors ?
Timeline Colors ?
I have looked for this answer in the documentation and the forum... of course does not mean it is not there. But, 'In the beginning' My Timeline was showing a 'medium' blue bar across the entire width... for some reason, maybe from setting changes or whatever, the timeline now shows 'two' horizonal bars, one the medium blue, on bottom, and a 'grey' bar on top of the blue one.. they both track along, but independently on the timeline.. What is causing this, do I need to make changes, if so where... everything seems to be working fairly well except for the cameras still changing IP addresses on their own and flagging for frame speeds, but I believe that is a problem with my systems resources. TIA..
Re: Timeline Colors ?
The colors represent different cameras. They reflect the color you set for them in the "Camera Settings" , "General" tab, "Color". If all the cams are the same color here, you will see one band in the timeline, but if you make them different in BI, then each band will reference a different camera.
Re: Timeline Colors ?
And you will see separate trigger markers on each camera timeline when you set cameras to different colors.
Re: Timeline Colors ?
Thanks to both of you for your input. That lead me right to the problem.. I had the color for one camera different that the rest.. Thanks again, totally perfect help as always...