wiki cpu recommendations

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wiki cpu recommendations

Post by hiren1417 »

Hi, looking at this: ... blue-iris/

Under "Full details" - "CPU", everything there is intel.

I was wondering about ryzen apu's (especially zen2 and/or zen3) performances. Searching suggests that the apu's have video decoders. See

I cannot however find performance comparisons for amd vcn in the apu's, versus intel quick sync in the intel igp.

Further down the page in ( ... blue-iris/) there is the section "But what CPU do I actually buy?" showing cpu cores in relation to MP/s. I take it this chart is for intel only. Any plan to do similar for amd apu cpus please?

I ended up buying a i5-10500 looking at the "Great performance:" section of the page. But I can't help wondering if the page is outdated and not taking zen2/3 apus into account? Or is it that quick sync is just far better than vcn?

All advice appreciated, thanks a lot.
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Re: wiki cpu recommendations

Post by TimG »

Hi, ipscamstalks is not directly connected to Blue Iris, and many of us have suffered from the childish tantrums of a certain moderator there. This forum is therefore rather unlikely to update the info on that website.

I have in the past used a Ryzen 1800X as my primary BI5 server, and it was much faster than the i5-3330 that I am presently using. ipscamstalks will tell you that you must use intel and the inbuilt acceleration (with the right gpu), and they will also tell you only to run BI5 on that pc. Hogwash.

Just be aware that some of the info is OK, and some isn't.

Now if you want to see comparisons between cpu's, I have in the past looked at

And this shows you the different video formats supported by Quicksync on different cpu's
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Re: wiki cpu recommendations

Post by hiren1417 »

Hi, thanks for the info. I assumed the wiki was connected to blue iris.

Did you use any video acceleration with the 1800x? I'm wanting video acceleration to avoid a high cpu constant load and power and heat that comes with it. Other searching online for video related cpu use (eg plex) also seem to suggest that quick sync is amazing. There doesn't seem to be much around amd vcn acceleration.

It would be nice if blue iris kept such data as is in that wiki, and kept it up to date. New comers at present are likely going to use that wiki since a search for blue iris hardware brings it up right in front.

I also saw the stats page previously (
Even looking at it now, all the amd cpus have video acceleration column as "no", so I guess they are depending on the raw cpu cores for the decode. Looks like not many use amd apus with the built in vcn video acceleration. If intel quick sync is as good as it seems, would amd vnc apus not be as good or better? Currently only intel on that stats page has video acceleration column of yes, and/or those with nvidia using cuda. The ipcams wiki says nvidia cuda is power hungry and not as efficient, so it highly recommends quick sync.

Main question then, is amd vcn apu just not an option? (even in ryzen 2/3 apus?) If quick sync really is so much better than amd vcn, I will stich to intel cpus for blue iris. Thanks.
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Re: wiki cpu recommendations

Post by HeneryH »

User experimentation by users who had access to both found that Intel/QuickSync was the best performance and power usage with AMD/whatever being noticeably worse but not terrible. AMD didn't scale as well as Intel QS either. Obviously raw compute cores with zero acceleration was worse. You can probably search over there for the write-ups about it.
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Re: wiki cpu recommendations

Post by hiren1417 »


Thanks for the info. I would want to go with something that is best perf/watt with good perf too. That seems to clearly be quick sync, so that is what I will stick to. Thanks.

I hope amd apus catch up in the next generations to come. Raw cpu with no acceleration is not an option for me.

Do you have links to the write-ups mentioned? Just curious about them, but decision is to stick with quick sync for now.

Thanks again.
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