Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

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Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by TimG »

The Reolink doorbell sends out Onvif commands for things like doorbell pressed, and person detected. I have been using these with Homeseer HS4 for automation duties.

I noted that BI person detection with CPAI will detect people anywhere as they move past the camera. The Reolink Onvif person detection only triggers if somebody is within a very close distance to the camera, so I can use this to show somebody is walking on my drive towards my house. This is working in HS4 and I have an alert over Alexa speakers when it happens - this has already saved a parcel where the guy dropped it on the doorstep and walked off.

When I tried to use this Onvif trigger in BI5 to send an email with images (Trigger/Immediate), it didn't work. Ken explained that I needed to tick Extern as well as Onvif, but this gave multiple false triggers and hence emails.

In BI5 v5.8.0.0 Ken is splitting off the camera Onvif commands from Extern. That means you can use the Onvif command editor in BI5 to fine tune these settings. For example, the Trigger/ Immediate alert only shows an Onvif trigger. If you go to the BI5 Onvif editor for that camera, you will see multiple commands. As usual, you can tick them on or off and alter them or create new ones. In my case, the MQTT command in HS4 showed the Onvif command that I want to be called "PeopleDetect". I searched through the Onvif list in BI5 for this camera and found it. All other Onvif triggers Off, so only one Onvif trigger can send me that email.

Does it work ? Not yet but I'm close :lol:

This is the big thing with BI5. If you need a specific functionality, and can explain why it will be useful to Ken, it will probably happen. This is the second time for me. Don't just think "BI5 would be BRILLIANT if it did this", tell Ken !

Next for me ? Well there is a plug in for HS4 that will be able to drop a video image in for my Nvidia Shield hooked up to my 110" projector screen. Work in progress on that forum. Onvif peopleDetect or doorbell pressed from the Reolink doorbell will pop up the Reolink doorbell camera image in a corner of the big screen. Looking good.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by Rookie23 »

I have just ordered one of these so will be trying to get it to work in BI soon using POE, I do NOT have a HS4 server so will be hoping we can still get some good functionality.
The rest of our cameras are on a VLAN that has no access to the internet so we may be limited in what we can achieve, this VLAN has access to nothing as BI initiates all connections with the Cameras.

Any tips on how to get this working and get some reasonable functionality for it? I am assuming the following:
  • Install it like other Reolink Cameras?
  • I think I will have to start using the Reolink App to connect to it from my VLAN with the phones on it
  • Not sure if I am going to have to open a port or similar on the Camera VLAN to my Phone VLAN so incoming doorbell presses etc can come through to phones
  • I have VPN access to the BI Server remotely but nothing else, so I guess I might have to enable the Reolink App somehow if I want doorbell presses remotely
As you can probably tell I am not sure how this is all going to work as yet :-)
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by TimG »

My doorcam is also the POE version. I initially set it up on the home LAN and used the Reolink app on my mobile phone. I then moved it to my cctv LAN which has no internet access so it can only be accessed via BI5. I guess it depends if you can live without the Reolink app functionality. I had decided that I didn't want to talk with people through the doorbell via my mobile phone, so I believed I could achieve my objectives on the cctv LAN.
The front door also has a Zigbee vibration detector on it to trigger if somebody knocks on the door, so the HS4 method was best for me.
I have tried BI5 connections with RTMP and Onvif. RTMP is supposed to be more stable with Reolink, but there was no substream so cpu usage goes up. I have had it as Generic/Onvif with RTSP H264/H265 for a few months now, and it is stable with sub-streams too.
The BI5 Onvif configuration is under development but is already configurable. HS4 simply showed me which Onvif commands it can see from each camera. Overall I would say that having home automation as well as BI5 works very well together. Lights on with movement. Alexa saying "truck detected on front camera" etc. I bet you could do that with a Raspi and Home Assistant.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by joem »

The ONVIF events list does not contain pet detection, by default.
After running around the house, from camera to my PC, I managed to catch a log containing the xml output. By adding it to the "Listen for:" list I am finally able to use ONVIF triggers for pets.
Could be helpful for someone looking for this kind of trigger. The part of the XML related to pets looks like this:

Code: Select all

                <wsnt:Topic Dialect="">tns1:RuleEngine/MyRuleDetector/DogCatDetect</wsnt:Topic>
                    <tt:Message PropertyOperation="Changed" UtcTime="2023-10-10T19:05:07Z">
                            <tt:SimpleItem Source="VideoSourceToken"/>
                            <tt:SimpleItem State="true"/>
For other cameras than Reolink this could look different.
Maybe Ken could add this to the default "listen" list.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by tedmundson »

what is the default config that you are using for this camera I can not get a video feed in BI Thanks in advance Todd
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by TimG »

Hi, please start a new thread and tell us the details of what you have and what the issue is. This thread is about Onvif commands.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by Rookie23 »

tedmundson wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:45 pm what is the default config that you are using for this camera I can not get a video feed in BI Thanks in advance Todd
These images are pretty much all I did to get it working (camera & BI settings), I think it had the latest firmware already.
Doorbell config.jpg
Doorbell config.jpg (17.22 KiB) Viewed 524624 times
BI config.jpg
BI config.jpg (37.77 KiB) Viewed 524624 times
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by hanktt007 »

TimG wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:03 am The Reolink doorbell sends out Onvif commands for things like doorbell pressed, and person detected. I have been using these with Homeseer HS4 for automation duties.
Hi Tim,

I've been trying to get blueiris to detect button push from this doorbell and trigger an alert action but has been unsuccessful. Would you be able to share your BI settings and/or give advice on how you managed that? Here are my set up in BI:
2023-12-07 (10).png
2023-12-07 (10).png (30.3 KiB) Viewed 524537 times
2023-12-07 (12).png
2023-12-07 (12).png (33.96 KiB) Viewed 524533 times
2023-12-07 (13).png
2023-12-07 (13).png (30.49 KiB) Viewed 524532 times
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by hanktt007 »

After some googling for people having similar issues, it appears that the button press (detected as a "visitor" event) does get detected when internet access for the camera is unblocked. Seems to be related to some software bug. Does anyone know more about this? I have the latest firmware v3.0.0.2033_23041302.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands

Post by TimG »


I'm presently bypassing BI5 here, as the Reolink Onvif commands are directly read by Homeseer and trigger automation events there. My Reolink is on a subnet with no internet access, so clearly that doesn't prevent it sending out Onvif commands.

Screenshot 2023-12-08 130436.png
Screenshot 2023-12-08 130436.png (40.14 KiB) Viewed 524296 times
Note that I renamed "Visitor" to "Doorbell" in Homeseer as it made sense to me.

Your settings look good for BI5 to read the Onvif commands, so the next step is to look at Camera settings/ Trigger/ Onvif camera events, and click the Configure button. That will open the "Onvif Events" window I mentioned earlier. For me, I could see what Homeseer was using (See the active commands with times and dates above), so it was a matter of looking for it in this window. The doorbell pressed "Visitor" command is read here by BI5:

Screenshot 2023-12-08 125849.png
Screenshot 2023-12-08 125849.png (176.08 KiB) Viewed 524296 times
It should be as simple as disabling all of the other commands. It wasn't when I tried it, and unfortunately I haven't been looking at this much recently, as I have been sorting out the Xmas addressable LED displays :idea: :idea: :idea:

Have a look and see if you can progress it any further. I think it will need another nudge to Ken.
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