Is BI SMP aware? Asking because we're looking at off lease servers -- the model we like has two gold 6130 Xeons (Skylake).
Any reason to use windows 11 over windows 10? I've heard some negatives on Windows 11 because of spyware/bloatware .......
will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
Last edited by JamesV on Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
There are forum members who use Xeon's so hopefully one of them can answer this.
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Re: will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
Any additional information about the spyware/bloatware that comes built into Window 11???? Or is that just FUD?
Re: will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
OK, looks like you need to go back to Windows XP to get your safety.
Re: will Blue Iris utilize 2 CPU's?
And IE that may actually work with all the underdeveloped firmware still being spit out by the camera vendors these days. I believe you can max it out to IE11 with a 64 bit setup?
Been thinking about XP Pro w/SP3 and VMware Player for that purpose alone since recently seeing a pretty cool YT video about it.
Otherwise, running Intel and Nvidea may be simpler than a pair of Skylakes. Not sure how BI would differentiate between Intels while actually having a specific listing for Nvidea which we know can be simultaneously used separately from an Intel iCore, though we're talking GPU, not CPU there.
Interesting question.