Would it be possible to create a separate local area network for Blue Iris and the cameras? I am running 10 Foscam cameras and the rest of the network appears slow. I am using Eeros mesh router. Can I have both routers connect to the same modem?
I am just trying to improve the efficiency of the networks. The Blue Iris is running on a Dell laptop and the rest of my system is Apple. Unfortunately, I cannot hardwire the cameras. However, the computers are hardwired and, of course, the ipads an phones are not hard wired. Just a thought that this might improve performance overall if Blue IIris and the cameras were on a different LAN.
Multiple Local Area Networks
Re: Multiple Local Area Networks
If you are going from all cams on wifi on net1 to all cams on wifi on net2 I can't imagine much of an improvement. It would be the underlying wifi channels that would be limiting. If they are actually limiting now.
Re: Multiple Local Area Networks
HeneryH Maybe I am not clear. I want network 1 to be only cmeras and Blue Iris on a dedicated PC with nothing else. Then Network 2 would have the cable apps for the TV, my everyday computer, iPad and iPhone and the same for my wife. I guess my big question is can I have the two network share a modem or would I have to spring for a second cable account for the cameras. And if I remove the cameras, I am assuming my network performance would improve for my other computers.
Re: Multiple Local Area Networks
If you are moving BI over to a PC then just install another network card. Set the cards up so that one has an IP address of your home network, the other a different subnet. So one card plugs into your home network, the other plugs into your POE switch on which all your cams are connected.
This will effectively isolate the cam traffic from your home network but you won’t be able to directly access the cams from your home network and will have to go through the BI PC. This also stops the cams from phoning home as they’ll have no internet access.
This is exactly what I do and is probably the simplest way to separate things out unless you want to go down the VLAN route. I also do have separate VLANS setup as well but that was because I had the hardware and was bored one day
This will effectively isolate the cam traffic from your home network but you won’t be able to directly access the cams from your home network and will have to go through the BI PC. This also stops the cams from phoning home as they’ll have no internet access.
This is exactly what I do and is probably the simplest way to separate things out unless you want to go down the VLAN route. I also do have separate VLANS setup as well but that was because I had the hardware and was bored one day

Re: Multiple Local Area Networks
Maybe you are just running out of wifi bandwidth. Are you using 2.4Ghz AND 5Ghz ?
Second cable account = no.
My method (with wired cameras) was two NICs in a desktop pc to physically seperate the camera LAN from other internet traffic, but you can't do that so easily with a laptop - although you can use a USB ethernet adapter. I don't think that is what you are asking though. Two wifi routers connected to one modem ? Yes, I do that. I use my previous modem/router at the end of a long ethernet cable as an ethernet hub AND additional wifi SSIDs on both frequencies.
I think ethernet is full duplex, but wifi is half duplex. That' will always mean you are at a disadvantage compared to a wired system.
Second cable account = no.
My method (with wired cameras) was two NICs in a desktop pc to physically seperate the camera LAN from other internet traffic, but you can't do that so easily with a laptop - although you can use a USB ethernet adapter. I don't think that is what you are asking though. Two wifi routers connected to one modem ? Yes, I do that. I use my previous modem/router at the end of a long ethernet cable as an ethernet hub AND additional wifi SSIDs on both frequencies.
I think ethernet is full duplex, but wifi is half duplex. That' will always mean you are at a disadvantage compared to a wired system.
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